NO, RINOS Don't Belong in South Dakota!
What is a RINO?
I personally go with the classical definition.
RINO stands for
With this being said, it amazes me how many we have who fit this description right here in Red State South Dakota. I'm told they mostly roam in the East River side of the state, but I can assure you the RINO herd is doing their destructive damage right here in District 30 and all over these beautiful Black Hills.
Without good Patriots standing at the watch we will lose our freedoms and our way of life.
Have you ever looked at some of the conservative score cards or Here and Here to see your representative voting more like a Democrat and less like the Republican you thought you elected? When RINOs see their voting record on these scorecards they abruptly say, "Those Bills were Cherrypicked!" Then immediately show them getting a 100% voting record on another scorecard. So, what is it? Well, you could say each scorecard is cherrypicked, yet which scorecards are emphasizing conservative values and which scorecards are emphasizing something else? Just look at the organizations who are putting out the scorecards. Are they woke? Do they advocate for the 2A? Do they have an agenda that breeds freedom or expands government?
Don't Be Fooled!
Look, I don’t dance around the issues kicking up RINO dust in the hopes you vote for me. I think you are smart so I won’t insult your intelligence.
I can talk with anyone, while staying firm in my convictions.
I don’t think we’ll agree on everything, who does? However, I will promise to listen, be available to talk with, keeping an ear to my district before I decide what should and should not be law.
As for the lobbyists who infest Pierre with money and lies, trying to see who might sell out to a RINO way of life, they’ll learn to walk right past me. I’ll serve you, not big money interest.
I want to represent you in District 30 because I believe my world views are close to yours. I’m not running with the “R” behind my name just so I can win. I mean what I say and say what I mean.